Do You Know?
There are many forms of contraception available. We suggest you consult with your doctor to decide which is most suitable for you. Two common forms of contraception are IUD and Rod.

IUD Insertion and Removal
IUD is a long term contraceptive device that sits in the uterus and is completely reversible. It works physically and releases a low dose progesterone hormone. It is an alternative contraceptive option offering the convenience of 5 years contraception without having to remember to take anything daily. IUD is also used to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain with many women having lighter and less frequent periods (or none at all). Thus, it is also used as a treatment option for those with endometriosis and heavy periods such as in menorrhagia. It can be used when breastfeeding and is also an option for those on oestrogen HRT.
IUD can be easily removed earlier than 5 years if required.
If you would like to know more about Intra-Uterine devices (IUDs), please schedule an appointment with Asquith Doctors.
Rod (Hormonal Implant) Insertion, Replacement and Removal

Rod is a small, flexible rod inserted under the skin of the inner upper arm used to prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years. This contraception slowly releases a hormone called progestogen similar to the natural hormone progesterone which is made by the body.
Rod works by preventing ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary), while also thickening the cervical mucus so that the sperm cannot enter the uterus (womb).
How effective is it?
Rod is a very effective contraceptive method (99.9% effective), however there are some factors that may reduce the effectiveness of the implant such as: age, sexual frequency, and the medications that you take. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor or nurse before making any decisions.
What are the advantages of it?
- It is highly effective
- It lasts a long time (up to three years)
- It is reversible and the return to fertility is rapid
- It does not require women to remember to take a pill
- Women do not need to have regular injections
- It is a cost-effective method of contraception
- It may reduce painful periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and acne in some women
How is the contraceptive implant inserted and removed?
Rod involves a small procedure by a doctor who has been specifically trained in insertion and removal of the implant. Most doctors at Asquith Doctors Medical Centre are accredited to perform the Rod insertion or removal. Local anaesthetic is applied to the skin to make the insertion more comfortable. The implant is normally inserted during the first five days of the menstrual period but it can be inserted at other times if there is no chance that the woman could already be pregnant. If it is inserted in the first five days of the menstrual period it will be immediately effective. If it is inserted at other times it will not be effective for seven days. The implant can be left in the arm for three years (or removed earlier if desired). Removal is a simple procedure using a small amount of local anaesthetic.
Please note that you must bring the implant with you to that appointment if you are having it inserted or replaced. If you need a prescription, please speak to the doctor first.
- The implant should be inserted soon after the commencement of your period in order to be immediately effective (preferably no later than 5 days after the first day of bleeding).
- If you are on the progestagen only pill (Minipill) or have an intrauterine contraception device, the implant can be inserted at any time.
- If you have been using injections of progestagen, the insertion should occur when your next injection is due.
Removal can occur at any time within the 3 years from insertion. Replacement can nearly always be done on the same day as removal.
- Skin Cancer Clinic
- Women's Health
- Antenatal Care
- IUD and ROD
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- Aclasta Infusion
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- Insurance Medical
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- Health Assessment (45-49 years old)
- Health Assessment (75 yrs & Over)